a coffee and book house based in magdalena de kino, sonora.
Café Sed has been sold and we are liquidating most of the books from our bookstore! Our online shop is now an online book liquidation sale. All books are sold in “AS-IS” condition. All sales are final. Books will ship in the USA via USPS media mail. Happy shopping!
In spanish, "Sed" means "Thirst" or "Thirsty".
The very heart of our business is a desire to glorify God & share the good news of Jesus in our town. While we were preparing to open our doors, we wanted a name that would reflect our mission.
The Bible often compares physical & spiritual thirst. We find in John 4:13-14 that the only real satisfaction for our spiritual thirst is found in Christ Jesus.
We chose the name "Sed" because we are aiming to provide a place where both types of thirst can be quenched. For your spiritual thirst, browse our bookstore and you will find hundreds of titles written by authors hoping to point you to Jesus & His Gospel, as well as a large selection of Bibles in which you will find His very words.
For your physical thirst, choose from our extensive menu of delicious handmade drinks!
En el corazón de nuestro negocio hay un deseo de ver el nombre de Dios glorificado y a compartir las buenas nuevas de Jesús en nuestro pueblo.
Mientras preparábamos abrir nuestras puertas, queríamos una nombre que reflejaba esté propósito. La Biblia compara mucho la sed física y la sed espiritual. Encontramos en San Juan 4:13-14 que nada más en Cristo Jesús podemos encontrar satisfacción de nuestro sed espiritual.
Escogimos el nombre "Café Sed" porque queremos proveer un lugar donde los dos tipos de sed pueden ser saciados. Para su sed espiritual, hecha un vistazo a nuestra selección de libros escritos por autores que desean dirigir al lector hacía Cristo, también tenemos un gran cantidad de Biblias donde usted puede leer las mismas palabras de Dios.
Para su sed física, escoge alguna bebida hecha a mano de nuestro menú extenso.